Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone
On the stairs with Tim
Wearing Uncle Dan's hat
Great Uncle Mike and Ryan
Playing the Piano with Tim
Getting karate-chopped by Aiden
Katy, Irv, Ryan and Madison
Our Family

Napping with Aunt Tara after a busy morning opening presents from Santa
Playing in my new chairs
Uncle Dan, MorMor Jo and Ryan
Future Starbucks Barista???
My Beautiful Boy
Playing with Uncle Dan
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. We've had a very busy week. Uncle Dan was in town for an entire week. We spent some great quality time together. He has not seen Ryan since last Christmas. I think they bonded quite well. Hopefully his next visit won't be a year away.

Christmas eve was very relaxing. Mor Mor Jo, Kelly and Uncle Dan were over for a fabulous dinner. Tim braved the weather and fired up the grill. I know he got soaked, but it was worth it! Tenderloin tips, baked potatoes, grilled asparagus and jalepenos stuffed with cream cheese wrapped in bacon!!!

Christmas day was crazy (as usual). Get up early, drive 1.5 hours, eat, open a million presents, nap (Ryan), eat, drive 2 hours, eat, stay up way past bedtime, drop Ryan at Mor Mor Jo's for the night, while 5 of us (cousins) went to the 'boat'. No, I did not win! Sleep in :)

We had a great time with everyone. I can't believe it went by so fast.
Well, here are some photos of Christmas Eve and Day.

Hope everyone had as much fun as we did.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Birthday!

On Saturday, Ryan turned 2! I can't believe my little guy is now a toddler
We had a birthday party for him on Sunday. Here are some photos from the weekend

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thanksgiving Week

Four Generations
Ryan and Olivia
Pap and his Great Grand-Kids

What happens whan Papa says you can't have a candy cane with the wrapper on

Ryan playing with Santa's beard
He doesnt look too happy, but he was waving at us
Hanging with Aunt Tara

We've had such a busy few weeks that I just haven't found the time to post any photos and update the blog. So here goes:
Thanksgiving was a whirlwind. Aunt Julie, Uncle Trevor and cousin Olivia were in town for an entire week. Spent Thanksgiving with the family at Katy & Irv's this year. We were able to spend the night so we did not have to drive home. Thanks Matt and Chris for taking care of our dogs. Tons of food and good times. It was such a treat to spend time with them and to see Ryan and Olivia play together. I think Olivia taught Ryan how to scream, for fun. He started screaming, so I went to see what was going on and at the end of the scream he had a big smile and started laughing!
On Saturday we went to the Delta Gamma Breakfast with Santa. Ryan did really well with Santa. He sat on his lap, looked at him a little funny and then started playing with his beard. Very cute.
That morning when he woke up, Aunt Tara and Mama and Papa B were at the house. We were all in Ryan's room. We asked him "Who's that?" and he said "Tarwa" and then "Who's that?" and said "Mama" and then "Who's that?" and he said "Tim". Yes, Ryan has figured out that Dad is Tim! He says Dad, but if Dad doesn't answer, he calls for Tim! It is so cute.
He is vocalizing more each day. Along with signing "more", he now says "more".
He loves music! He can't get enough. So far his favorite is Laurie Berkner. She does a lot of kids music and is featured on Nick Jr. He goes crazy for her. He also loves Jimmy Buffett. It is great to see him rock back and forth to dance. We can't turn the radio on fast enough when we put him in the car!

Well That is all for now. Pics now and then hopefully later I can post video. We've taken some really good video lately with Ryan chatting and showing off!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Just Photos

We have been really busy so I jut have a few moments to post some photos of the last few weeks. More posts later this week

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009

Trying to eat the banana peel and finding out he does not like it!

Ryan and MorMor Jo

So Ryan was a little monkey this year for Halloween. We didn't do much trick-or-treating, since he doesn't eat any candy. We did go to our next door neighbors, our church and over to Scott and Renee's for part of the hockey game and a beverage before heading home. Ryan was awake until 9:45pm, the latest he has ever stayed up since being on a sleep schedule. Hoping he would sleep until 7:00am. Well, it worked. He started cooing about 7:00 and was in full blown laughter by 7:15, giving me just enough time to make banana pancakes.

On Wednesday, Ryan had tubes put in his ears and a hearing test. The surgery was successful and he passed his hearing test with a borderline normal result. This is great news. We always knew his hearing was never an issue. Hopefully the tubes will eliminate the ear infections.

The little man has been chatting up a storm too. More sounds and more solid words. Go, Cup, Cracker, Cookie, Em-me (milk), Juice, Car, Goggie (dog). The sounds are getting clearer.

He is communicating more with us too. He uses the sign for "More" frequently. He understands what this means. There is a game he plays with dad and after it is over, he does the sign for more. Tim does it again, Ryan laughs and the more sign. They will repeat this 5 or 6 times until dad is done!

He loves playing with cars and his musical instruments, transferring more toys to his right hand. He is also reaching more with his right.

We have a meeting with First Steps this week just to review his progress. His speech therapist wants to meet once a week instead of twice a month. She sees great progress, but also wants to push him, because he is ready and willing! Very exciting.

Here are some pics of the week and Halloween.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

3 Pumpkin Patch visits in 1 week

Mom, Dad and Ryan at Daniel's Farm
Ryan and Dad decorating a pumpkin

A dog in a tutu
On a Pony Ride

On a John Deere tractor

Playing in some corn
The pumpkin patch with the kids from school

Madisyn holding Ryan
On a big pumpkin at Rombach's Farm
Going down the slide with Dad
On a big tractor (he loved this)

Madisyn, Ryan and Aiden at Rombach's

So I think we've had our fill of pumpkin patches...on Sunday we went to Rombach's (with everyone else in the city!)We met up with Madisyn and Aiden and had a great time. On Friday, Ryan's school went to a local patch. Tim went too.
Today was the annual Delta Gamma event at Daniel's Farm. We had so much fun.
Ryan had his first pony ride and also got on a tractor that was just his size. Mor Mor Jo met up with us too and after we went to lunch.
We were pretty busy this week with PT and Speech therapy.

Keep Ryan in your prayers this week, on Wednesday he has tubes put in his ears. It is an outpatient procedure, but it is still surgery.

Here are photos of the last week. All are from the pumpkin patches and farms around the area. Enjoy!