On Tuesday November 17th you can show your support for March of Dimes Fight for
Preemies by blogging about a baby you love or blogging about prematurity and
help raise awareness about premature births.Premature births affect
approximately 10 percent of the babies born. Each year nearly 13 million babies
are born prematurely. In the United States about half a million babies are born
prematurely and end up being admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Units.More than
one million premature babies die each year and those who survive often face
serious health challenges and risk lifelong disabilities.The Fight for Preemies
is being organized by Bloggers Unite and the March of Dimes to raising awareness
of the crisis of premature birth. Bloggers are invited to get involved by
spreading the word about the Fight for Preemies and to post a blog on November
17th during Prematurity Awareness Month.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Join the Fight for Preemies
Peas, Milk and Quesedillas
Thought I would share this video. I was able to capture this week during dinner. Some of his favorite foods: peas and quesedillas. I know we shouldn't let him play with food, but this was too cute! Enjoy
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Our Little Ham
Ryan politely asks to watch his favorite show, Yo Gabba Gabba
So much going on, I can't keep up. More to come.
One quick note, Ryan had eye therapy this week with Jo. She only has a couple of visits left with him (he turns 3), but then he probably won't qualify for eye therapy anymore....he won't need it!!! So, the St. Louis Blues is a huge supporter of the Delta Gamma Center and Jo is having all the kids make 'Thank You' cards with their hand prints and photos. Here is a picture of Ryan making his card in his Blues sweater. This is his 3rd sweater and it too is getting a little snug. Our little man is no longer in 2T. He has graduated to 3T and even some 4T jammies!
Well that is all for now...
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Summer, oh Summer, where have you gone?
Wow, the summer is officially over, with Labor Day weekend upon us. I've uploaded quite a few photos of the past two months events.
We've had a few birthday parties, a music festival and out of town guests (family and friends) stay with us.
My goddaughter, Madisyn turned 5. We attended her birthday pool party. Ryan loved it. He loves the water and is quite adventurous when it comes to going under. He can't get enough. The floating toy he sits in, can barely hold him anymore. If he turns sideways, he can tip over, making him laugh, but scaring mom half to death!
In Mid-august, the annual summer birthday party took place in Steeleville. About 8 or 9 family members birthdays are celebrated. Olivia turned two. She (and her mom, dad, and new brother Tucker) stayed with us a few days. Ryan loved playing with his cousins. His face lights up when you say Olivia's name.
A visit to Grant's Farm was also in order. I could not make it, since I had to work :( Fun was had by all.
Last weekend in August, we attened the first annual LouFest (http://www.loufest.com/). A music festival, held at the ball fields in Forest Park. A two day event filled with music and fun. We had so much fun. The weather was great (considering this was the 4th hottest summer on record). We set up a base camp, between both stages and listened to some great music and watched the kids play. Our Columbia family came to town to join us at the festival. Cam, Jordan and Ryan had a great time playing together. Check out Jordan's website at http://www.bornjustright.com/. Jen does such a great job of keeping Jordan's website updated. She was my inspiration to start and keep Ryan's blog up to date, nearly three years ago! Thanks Jen!!!
And I have to add the train pictures too. The little man loves his trains! We don't watch Thomas the Train, but he saw a commercial for the movie and he went nuts. "Train, Train, Train". He kept repeating until I acknowledged him. He then wanted to play with his trains, hence the photos from this morning.
He continues to amaze us every day. Repeating every thing we say. Uses 3-4 words.
His legs are stronger too, standing, with assistance, for longer periods of time. In PT, she had him standing against the couch for 10 minutes!
He was fitted for a wheel chair earlier this week. We decided to go with a wheel chair that is school bus accessible. YES!! We are looking at schools for him. The First Steps program he is in only helps him up to three years (which he turns three in December!) We are in the process of finding a school for him, an integrated classroom (kids with special needs and kids without). He may be placed as early as January. Personally, I think that is toooo soon for him. I am hoping he will be placed next fall. Keep your fingers crossed.
Special Thoughts and Prayers go out to a friend from high school and her family. Her oldest son, Z-Man, had spinal fusion surgery last week. Keep up the good work Z-Man, we are hoping for a quick recovery!
Well, that's all for now. I think we are caught up.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
And We're Back!!!
Yes, I haven't posted in nearly six weeks (yikes!) but we are back. So much has happened, yet nothing too significant or earth shattering. Our Little Man, 36 inches and 30 lbs, is quite amazing. His range of motion continues to improve daily. He can now scoot across the floor, on his bottom. Sometimes it's more like scooting in a circle, pushing continuously from his left. 'Lefty' has quite the reach and 'Righty' is improving. He does a lot of transers from his left to his right. Claps with his left hand and right fist. Speech is improving to 3-4 word sentences. He repeats nearly every word we say. He wakes up in the morning with "Up" and then when I am changing him "Eat Brefat". Says "Night, Night" when he is ready for bed. We ask him if he wants to go lay down and he says "yeah, lay down". If we ask him if he wants something, and he does, he gets really excited and will say "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah". A few weeks ago, we gave him part of a popsicle. He devoured it and asked for more. Tim told him "No, it's all gone". Ryan then asked again, but this time he said "More, Peas"(while doing the sign for Please). Tim told him, no. Ryan responded again with "Peas(again while signing Please). Again, he was told no. At this point, he decided to throw a tantrum and screamed for more (no please) and started to bang his empty bowl on his tray. It was amazing to see his reaction through this process. He asked nicely for more, several times. After being denied, he threw a fit. I guess that what being a 2 and 1/2 year old is all about!
A few weeks ago, we went on a short vacation. I had a family reunion in South Dakota and we decided to go. Mor Mor Jo and GA Judy and our clan took to the road. Our 15 hour drive to Sisseton, SD to see family we have never met, lead us on an adventure. My great-great grandparents immigrated to this great country from Norway in the 1870's and settled in the SD territory. They had 11 children and well, the rest is history. Our trip was educational and relaxing. Can't wait for a return visit. The good thing is Ryan survived the trip. On our way home, he slept for four hours.
Anyway, enough blogging for now. Here are a ton of pics over the last six weeks and you can see how our little man has grown. I hope to get some video on here too. That's all for now