Not much new to say, just that thanks to my dear cousins, Ryan has a new table. It is a 4 X 3 Thomas the Train table with wooden train tracks. It is a great addition to our family room. We had to rearrange some seating, but it is great. He loves it. He sits in his cube, but can pull himself up to stand. This is the best toy for him. Thank you Jen!
I almost forgot, but we have another addition to the family. Jen and Ray have another daughter, Daniella Pearl. She is beautiful, as you can see. Mom and baby are doing well.
The little man is repeating nearly everything we say. He knows his colors: purple, yellow, red, blue and green. Says woof woof when he sees the dogs. Loves the word NO. When he says NO with a smile, it means yes! The best is after he takes a drink from his cup, he says "ahhhhh"!
Enjoy the photos