On Sunday we took Ryan to Eckert's farm for some apple pickin'. I know we will definitely go back next year when he is older. Tons of stuff to do for kids.
Sunday night, he woke up screaming at 1am and pretty much continued to do so all night. This is not like him. He sleeps about 11 hours a night, all night, so we knew something was up. I took him to the doctor Monday morning to discover he had an ear infection. He was also wheezing, so his pediatrician put him on an antibiotic and an inhaler. By Tuesday afternoon, he stopped the screaming and was feeling much better. I pray he doesnt have ear infections like his dad had as a child (per mama B).
Today, we had an appointment at the Delta Gamma Center. This center is for children who are visually delayed or impaired. His therapist, Jo, is great. She confirmed our concerns about Ryan's vision. She cant diagnose him, but does say he is visually delayed. She says he has great potenial and room for improvement. We think it just takes him a little longer to process the information from what he sees and what his brain processes. Tim and I have seen him improve over the past few weeks. He really tracks toys that are red or orange. He is tracking them more when they are closer to him as well, not just from afar. We are just waiting for the day for him to make eye contact with us and smile!
The Delta Gamma Center is a great organization that is funded by the United Way. They offer support groups and group play with other families with children with visual impairments. We are actually going to a gathering this Saturday to a Pumpkin Patch. MorMor Jo is going with us since Tim has to work. We will get to meet and network with other families. We are so blessed to have them so close to us (about 4 miles away) and willing to work with us.
Also we want to wish Uncle Dan a Happy Birthday!!! Go Sox! Good Luck at your hockey game and Go Blues.
Enjoy some photos of Ryan from Sunday at Eckerts