Sunday, January 17, 2010


We had a very busy week: weekly and make-up sessions with PT, OT, Speech. He was fitted for his new AFO's (ankle foot orthotics) and those should be in a few weeks. He has outgrown his old ones. Even though we cut them down so they don't pinch his feet, they are hard to put on, he just has grown so much!
He is getting stronger every day. Yesterday he was sitting up with the boppy around his lower back, he leaned back and rolled right out of it and onto his tummy. He didnt even mind. He was trying to grab and play with his cars and blocks. He wiggled around on the floor for about 15 minutes without fussing, pushing up like he had the strength of Hercules.
He is saying so many words too. This morning, I gave him a banana for breakfast and he said 'nana'. He repeats things off the tv, such as car or dog. He likes to watch Dora and will say 'Dora' and 'map' when he sees them and 'did it' for 'We did it'.
Yesterday, we watched the Mizzou vs. Oklahoma game. We were chanting M-I-Z...Z-O-U.
Ryan picked up on it! So cute!
We are fighting colds/sinus infections right now (Ryan and Mom), we hope to be better soon.
Here is a video to enjoy :)

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