Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Growing Everyday - 5 Weeks old Today

I cant believe it, but Ryan is now 3lbs 12oz. He gained 12 oz in 1 week! He looks so good. Chubby cheeks and a double chin. Everything mom and dad want in a growing boy.
The bottle feeding is going well. Today he took about 10 ml of milk. Tonight about 1/2 hour before his 9:00pm feeding time, he started to get hungry. He gets a little agitated and starts moving around. My mom, MorMor Jo as she wants to be known as, said he made some faces and began to suck on his lip, like he knew he was supposed to get fed with a bottle. Since there was no bottle and he didnt have his pacifier, he started to suck on his knuckle. She said he looked really cute. His nurse found his pacifier and he was going to town on it. He now gets fed 35ml or a little over an ounce every 3 hours. I will have to upload more pictures later, so Uncle Dan won't get upset with me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AWWWWW Ryan is so cute i didnt get to see him when i came with Laura and Aunt Mary Ann but i really wanted to i hope to see him soon i love you all!! bye!!
