Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Three Weeks Old!

I can't believe Ryan is now 3 Weeks old! Finally back up to his birth weight. 1110 grams or 2lbs 7oz. He is doing well. Breathing better everyday and growing stronger. He is finally filling out his tiny body.
The tiny red had he was able to wear on Christmas is now too snug for his tiny little head!

Today I was able to hold him for 3 hours. He was so content, as was I. He started to fuss and move around, but then found another comfy spot and fell asleep again. He looks like a little tree frog plastered on my chest!
He was able to suck on a pacifier today for about 15 minutes. This is another big step. He is starting to learn to breathe, suck and swallow at the same a few weeks he will be able to start taking a bottle!
We focus on the positives. Everyday new challenges. We stay focused and stay strong for Ryan.
We went to his first doctor's memorial service today. It was very moving. He only had Ryan as a patient for 6 days, but they were the most critical days of Ryan's life. We are very grateful and we thank him for that.

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