Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ryan teaching Dad a few things on the laptop

Full Moon. Biggest moon of 2009

Ryan and Dad playing on the laptop

So Ryan had his first week back at daycare since the holiday and thank goodness, he is back on his schedule. Sleeping all night, eating and playing. And now he is back to having another sniffle and cough. I guess that comes with daycare. 2 other kids at daycare have runny noses. Yuck.

Anyway, he had his One Year well visit at the pediatricians this week. Weighing in at 21lb 10oz and 29.5 inches long. It doesn't seem like he has grown much over the last month and a half, but maybe because he was sick. The doctor also said we could give him whole milk now! Yeah! Hopefully no more formula!
We started that this morning and so far so good. He didn't seem to notice the switch, but by the evening bottle, he didn't really want any milk, just wanted juice. So we will see. Hopefully his body will adjust and accept the milk, if not, we are back to soy! Yuck!!

He has been so much more animated the past few days, using both hands and nearly rolling over by himself. He is tolerating his activity center for longer periods of time and is able to grab and play with toys longer too. Aunt Tara stopped by this morning and hung out with us. He kept flashing her a grin when she called out his name. His favorite game is 'High Five'. When you say High Five, he grins from ear to ear and puts up his left hand. I'll have to get it on video and post.

I think that is all for now...this week we have Buddy Builders at DGC on Wednesday and we hope to get his splint this week.

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