Thursday, January 17, 2008

My little man is now 3 lbs!!!

Somehow overnight, Ryan gained 3 ounces and is now a whopping 3lbs! He looks so cute and is now filling in. His doctor is really pleased with his progress.
He also has grown from 14 1/2 to 15 1/4 inches long.

They were worried a little at first,because he was in the 10th percentile on his growth chart. He was pretty small for his height, weight and age, but now, I think he will catch up pretty fast.

Today, we were able to put his bear up next to him so he could snuggle. He was so content and slept so well.

We think we may have a future pitcher on our hands. Yesterday, I gave him his pacifier and he threw it from one end of his bed to the other! I could not believe it. He has some muscles in those tiny arms.