Monday, January 21, 2008

Ryan keeps gaining weight

This morning, we called and Ryan gained another ounce and is now 3lbs and 7oz! Yes, he has gained 3/4 lb in just 1 week. The nutritionist came in this morning and plotted his growth chart and he is gaining good weight and growing as he should. Nothing too out of the ordinary.
You can really see his double chin and his feet plump up.
They ran some other tests on him today and his gases look good as well as his stomach. He did have a little blood in one of his stools, but so far it was just one time and the tests they ran show no infection. The nurses will keep an eye on it.
His nasty diaper rash looks like it has cleared up. I felt so bad for the little guy. It was really red and actually bled a few times over the weekend.


Julie O'Jewel said...

We are so pleased at your growth, Ryan!! Extra hugs to your mom. Love from the O'Tooles

Jen Lee Reeves said...

Mr. Cameron was born with a diaper rash... Nasty stuff. Kids come back from the most amazing stuff. Hooray Ryan... You are growing SO big!

Mor Mor Jo said...

You are getting so big now!
Keep up the good work