Friday, January 18, 2008

Today, I had my first bottle

Today I was able to give Ryan his first bottle! He is still really young to feed on a bottle, but his doctor said to try it. Most preemies don't attempt bottle feeds until 34 weeks. He did pretty good. He took about 6ml of milk. He wasn't exactly sure how to swallow, but he did ok for his first time out.

The doctors orders are that we can try every day. I was so excited to hold and feed him.

He gained another 2 oz too. Finally his legs are filling out and growing into his huge knees.

We are so proud!


Jen Lee Reeves said...

These updates are just so exciting! :-)

great aunt Cathy said...

Hi there Baby Ryan. It was certainly nice to meet you last Wednesday...finally!!! I can't believe you've had your first bottle. May it be just 1 in a long line of firsts to come. I'm sure as soon as he can your Uncle Dan will be replacing that liquid with a Bud. He'll have to teach you your grandpa Dean's trick of hiding empty cans. Totally without prompting Madisyn told me the other day that her angels were with her and they were all praying for Baby Ryan. I can't believe she came up with that without prompting...of course we do pray every day so it has probably become a routine for her. I hope to see you again real soon. Keep up the great progress and go easy on Mom and Dad. They love you so very much.

Aunt Judy said...

Hi Ryan:
I sure enjoyed your birthday party on Saturday 1/19 you were 4 weeks oldl we had a great time just watching you sleep. such a joy to your mom and dad, they just bubble when they talk about all the progress you have made. we are all so proud of your accomplishments and looking forward to you coming home in the near future I will see you soon Love Great Aunt Judy