Saturday, March 1, 2008

Oh Bother!

We know this is a marathon.

Yesterday, Ryan had another bloody stool. He had an X-ray and some other tests and everything came back fine. So they took him off the Neo-Sure, a type of formula that adds calories. They think he may not tolerate the Neo-Sure. So we are in another holding pattern. Again, all of his vitals are great, just problems with the stool.

On a high note, he is eating like a little pig. Overnight, he started eating more. At the 9:00pm feeding he took 60ml. At the midnight feeding he took 75 ml. At the 3:00am feeding he took 80 ml and then at the 6:00am feeding he took 90ml (3 ounces)!

He is still 5lbs 14oz.

Keep up the good work, Ryan, we cant wait to bring you home!


Mor Mor Jo said...

I had the most glorious day today, and it was because of you. I was able to feed you, change your diaper and hold you all day. The things that grandmas are great at doing. I think you are getting used to my singing because you fell right to sleep. You are getting so big and strong, you are amazing, and you are my grandson. Good night, sweet dreams, sleep tight, God bless you, I love you more today, Mor Mor Jo.

ops said...

Well,'s been over a month since we've seen you and you look bigger and healthier, for sure! Since we passed the flu around for 3 weeks and then Cait got a cold and now Tom has one, I think we're going to wait awhile longer to see you. Keep up that feeding and growing. It won't be long and Mom and Dad can take you home! Yea!
Keep it up and, Mom and Dad, hang in there!

Aunt Judy said...

Hi Ryan:
Boy do I want to kiss those cheeks, they are getting so fat.
you are the best, strongest and bravest kid on the block. Keep up the great work and you will be home soon, then you can keep mom and dad up all night long. What a cute little boy, and so well dressed. Love you so much.

Unknown said...

AWWW i am so happy for him and very excited to meet him!! I hope i will get to see u the day u come home!

Lots of Love,

ops said...

I heard you went home today Ryan GREAT JOB!!! Your getting so big can't wait to meet you. You are sooo cute! Hope to see you as soon as I can.

luv ya,