Tuesday, September 23, 2008

9 Months Old

Ryan was 9 months old on the 19th. (yes, I know I am a little late, but we were out of town this past weekend) He went to the pediatrician yesterday for his 9 month shots. He did really well. Now weighing in at 19 lbs 12 oz and 28 inches long. I knew he had been growing. All of his 9 month footed pajamas are getting really snug,lengthwise. We got him an activity saucer this weekend. He can sit in it, spin around and play with the toys on it. Its almost like a walker, but it doesnt walk, just rotates around. We are working on his vision and using toys with noise and blinking lights. He really responds well to those. He had physical therapy today. Ellen was extremely happy that he had rolled over. He was spontaneously laughing and smiling at her today. She sees real progress. He is communicating with us more each day. Different grunts and noises. His first unoffical word is 'uh-oh'. He says it quite often. Also think he is cutting another tooth. You can really see the first tooth well (I'll try to get a picture of that soon). We are experimenting with avocado this week. So far so good. Here are a few pics from today, eating and playing.

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