Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Every Feeding is from a Bottle

So Monday, orders were written that Ryan can feed 8 times a day from a bottle! He has done really well with it. Only one time yesterday he did not take the full bottle. He took about 3/4 of his noon bottle. We are very proud of him. He is only on oxygen when he feeds now. So Tim or I place the cannula in his nose, feed him and remove it. The amount of oxygen he is on is minimal and it is just until he gets over this hump. We dont have the test results back from Mondays test yet. The cultures usually take a few days.
He is growing everyday, now 5 lbs 11 oz and is 18 3/4 inches long!


Mor Mor Jo said...

How is my little cutie pie doing today? Mommy updates me every night and she surprises me with your progress. You are an amazing grandson. I can't wait to hold you again. See you soon. Good night, sweet dreams, sleep tight, God bless you, I love you more today. Mor Mor Jo.

Jen Lee Reeves said...

Hooray Ryan! Keep on eating and working hard. You're doing such a great job.