Monday, February 4, 2008

Feeding more from the bottle

Today, Tim fed him 25ml from a bottle. Thats a little less than an ounce! I am going through Ryan withdrawals. I was supposed to start back to work today, but I got the flu and had to call in sick today. Hopefully it is just the 24 hour thing. I hate being sick and now that I cant see him makes me hate being sick even more.
He hasnt gained any weight in a few days. He is still at 4lbs 1oz. When he was taken off milk last week, they also took away the HMF, or Human Milk Fortifier, which adds calories to the milk and helps him gain weight. They are adding HMF back today. I dont have any pictures to upload today, should have some more tomorrow.
When Tim was feeding him today, he called me and held the phone up and I could hear his hiccups. Ryan gets them all the time and they are loud!
I'll get up there soon to see you, Love Mom.


marianne said...

Renee, Tim and Ryan - so sorry I've been out of communication- been a very busy month. So glad all is going so well, and Ryan is getting so big. His cheeks have really rounded out. Our prayers are with you every day. Keep up the good work!!!!

Mor Mor Jo said...

Ryan, I had the most wonderful day Sunday, and it was all because of you. Everytime I see you I am impressed with you and how much you have grown into yourself. You have worked really hard to get to where you are today and I am very proud of you. You put a smile on my face everyday, I love you so much, Mor Mor Jo.

Mor Mor Jo said...

I am sorry I could not come down and see you last night but the weather was not so good and I do not drive in bad weather. I really started missing you around bed time so I had to get my pictures out and visit you, it is not the same but it helped, I had good dreams and you made me smile. I love you more today, Mor Mor Jo.